Young Life

Digital Marketing Specialist | 2016 – 2019

During my time at Young Life, one of Forbes’ largest U.S. charities, I increased their Instagram followers by more than 36K, Facebook Page likes by over 20K, and Twitter followers by over 50K. In addition, I led 30+ social media campaigns, including influencer takeovers and on-the-ground multimedia experiences, helping bring in nearly $130,000 in donations.

During our #exploreYL social media campaign spotlighting the work in local Young Life areas, we surprised some amazing Nashville Young Life leaders with a message from the kids they mentor.

During our #BestWeekOfYourLife social media campaign, in which we showed people what a week looks like at Young Life camp, we activated YL’s Instagram followers to control the decisions of the program team at Lake Champion – A Young Life Camp.


Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams


Car Window Poetry